Version 2.0 in the works. Still a veganarchist. What did you expect?
Hello readers! I know I’ve been on hiatus for a pretty long time. I stopped writing because I didn’t think I had anything else to say that hasn’t already be said in prior writings. I didn’t have anything to write so quite simply I didn’t write. Now, I have plenty to say about a myriad of topics and things I wish to share with you, the internet. I intend to re-design the site at some point in the future. Currently, my time is being consumed by school, volunteering, and other projects so the redesign of the site might not happen for a few weeks to a month or two. However, I have this site already set up so I will utilize what I have.
My main intentions for Version 2.0 are the following:
1. Write reviews about books, music, film, and other media that I feel like sharing (I won’t do negative reviews)
2. Post prose in whatever form they may come in (poems, lyrics, short stories) fiction or non-fiction
3. To allow the curious seekers to get to know their friendly neighborhood veganarchist
4. Fourth and most importantly, I want to educate folks that we; veganarchists, need cuddles too. 😉
I will write again tomorrow to start with a book review.
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