Metta Lyrics 11: The Journey
The Journey
Have I gone too far?
Or not far enough?
I refuse to defer.
I refuse to give up.
It is said
There are only two mistakes
two mistakes a person can made
on the journey for the truth
not starting and not going all the way.
I started. I take a few steps forward.
I take a few steps back.
Sometimes I go forward while going backwards.
I have no map.
My compass is my heart
The path seems never ending.
I follow no path but my own.
Metta Lyrics 10: Kill Your Ideals
Kill Your Ideals
I found my ideal
my ideal found me
it wasn’t what I
expected it to be
I searched for years and now this is what I see.
Sometimes what you want isn’t what you need.
Happiness comes when you learn to want what you get
and doesn’t come just because you got what you wanted.
Youtube Video: What is Post Veganism by Starr
I’ve been busy the last few days so no updates. I’ll post more lyrics tomorrow. Today, here’s a treat for you. My first recording in a few years made with the help of “Starr”: Check it out.
Metta Lyric 9: your note left a bad taste in my mouth
I used to be as angry as you.
Bad people don’t care.
It’s only the good people that hurt. That cry over things.
It makes us immobile and unable to function.
We can not change the world while drowning.
I came realized I can only control myself and my own reactions.
I can’t control anyone else – only influence them.
You must be stronger than what you fight. Don’t hate. Don’t ever hate. You become what you despise when you give in hate. You are a slave when you hate to that which binds you and are no where near liberation of the mind, body, and spirit.
If liberation is what you desire as you claim – start from within and work your way out.
Metta Lyric 8: Can you see a common theme?
Title: Actions Speak in Volume
It has to be about action.
Not philosophy.
Philosophy has it’s place
but ideas are just ideas.
They don’t materialize.
Actions speak louder than words
and make real change.
You must be the change
you wish to see.
You must be the revolution.
It is in you and me.
Go volunteer or help the youth out
Go volunteer and get the word out.
Systems are made of people
to change the system
change the people.
Fight ignorance with knowledge
hate with love
teach tolerance and acceptence.
We are all one.
Metta Lyric 7: Grab Your Pen
I am not going to lie – it feels like the world is ending. With species dying out and everything seems like it’s tumbling down but there is a but. That’s important. That there are those who are fighting the good fight even if things were set in motion before we were born and it feels like we were never given a chance. But there is always a choice. You can sing your songs of despair and be part of the problem or you can wield the banner of hope and be a guiding light in these dark times. Be a source of inspiration, a motivation, the secret is the future is unwritten. We can write it.
Metta Lyrics 6: Interpret the Voice
Their voice is no longer my voice. They speak of wanting something real yet they intoxicate their body to numb their mind. How is that reality? Seeing half-truths while living a lie – the solution is not in the bottle. It is inside. You must be the revolution. The catalyst of your life. Realize that pain is information and is trying to tell you something. Interpret, learn, and grow.
Interpret it, learn, and grow.
As long as there is learning there is hope.
Metta Lyrics 5: World’s End
World’s End
In the farthest corner of the Earth, I reside. Lost in ideology – tightly held – diy or die. Feeling alienated by my allies and so-called friends who are no more than wolf in sheep clothes – parroting rhetoric and getting tattooed while their minds remain unmarked. They dress like me, they go to shows, but the revolution in the soul is no go. Making the alternative a mirror of mainstream society and heteronormalitivity. Where is there a place for a queer like me in this patriarchal symphony? How homoerotric your moshing is, how hard you get in the pit, don’t think I don’t notice it. On the fringes I stay – just out of the scene domain – for mediocrity is lame and assimilating to the culture is not why I came. I came for me. I came for a chance of life. Music keeps me from being dead in this corporate world where everything can be bought and sold. I have taken a stance of resistance and I will not trade my freedom for gold. I came to see that if one of the parrots is more than what they seem – that maybe within them is a spark to move beyond the scene. Maybe together we could create something beyond this bridge to nowhere. I have traveled to the world’s end and have seen the living become the dead if only they could learn to breathe again, what then?
Metta Lyrics 4: Revolution is You
Revolution Is You
The revolution is in your spirit or it’s nowhere. The revolution is in your spirit or it’s nowhere. The revolution is in the spirit or it’s nowhere. How many ways can I say the same thing to make you see? These aren’t words to be recited – but a mantra to live by. You are it. This is it. There is only now. There is only this moment.
Metta lyrics 3: Gender and Sexuality
Gender and Sexuality
A queer proclaimed,
“Gay, straight or bi – whatever you label me you are still judging me”
To this, I nod my head.
No less than a moment later, they asked me, “Are you a boy or a girl?”
Disbelief filled my eyes as I said, “Gender is also a form of hierarchy and oppression.”
I left it at that.
Why does gender matter even to those who claim not to judge?
It is polite to ask pronouns for referencing someone in talk but gender doesn’t matter it’s a social construct.